Below you'll find 2042's official holidays for Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany. This list includes all government-recognized public holidays when businesses and offices may be closed.
Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany Public Holidays 2042
There are 11 public holidays in Germany (nordrhein-westfalen) for 2042. There are also bank and optional holidays across the country. Explore calendars for different countries or religions to learn more about their significant dates.
Date | Day | Holiday name |
2042-01-01 | Mi | Neujahr |
2042-04-04 | Fr | Karfreitag |
2042-04-07 | Mo | Ostermontag |
2042-05-01 | Do | Maifeiertag |
2042-05-15 | Do | Christi Himmelfahrt |
2042-05-26 | Mo | Pfingstmontag |
2042-06-05 | Do | Fronleichnam |
2042-10-03 | Fr | Tag der Deutschen Einheit |
2042-11-01 | Sa | Allerheiligen |
2042-12-25 | Do | 1. Weihnachtstag |
2042-12-26 | Fr | 2. Weihnachtstag |