Biobío Chile Public Holidays 2023

Below you'll find 2023's official holidays for Biobío Chile. This list includes all government-recognized public holidays when businesses and offices may be closed.

Chile flag

There are 17 public holidays in Chile (biobio) for 2023. There are also bank and optional holidays across the country. Explore calendars for different countries or religions to learn more about their significant dates.

DateHoliday name
2023-01-01Año Nuevo
2023-01-02Día adicional
2023-04-07Viernes Santo
2023-05-01Día del trabajador
2023-05-21Día de las Glorias Navales
2023-06-21Día de los Pueblos Indígenas
2023-06-26San Pedro y San Pablo
2023-07-16Virgen del Carmen
2023-09-18Fiestas Patrias
2023-09-19Día de las Glorias del Ejército
2023-10-09Encuentro de Dos Mundos
2023-10-27Día Nacional de las Iglesias Evangélicas y Protestantes
2023-11-01Todos los Santos
2023-12-08La inmaculada concepción


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