New Brunswick Canada Public Holidays 2022

Below you'll find 2022's official holidays for New Brunswick Canada. This list includes all government-recognized public holidays when businesses and offices may be closed.

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There are 12 public holidays in Canada (new-brunswick) for 2022. There are also bank and optional holidays across the country. Explore calendars for different countries or religions to learn more about their significant dates.

DateHoliday name
2022-01-01Nouvel An
2022-04-15Vendredi saint
2022-05-23Fête de la Reine
2022-07-01Fête du Canada
2022-08-01Jour de Nouveau Brunswick
2022-09-05Fête du travail
2022-09-30Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation
2022-10-10Action de grâce
2022-11-11Jour du Souvenir
2022-12-26Lendemain de Noël

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